Why am I so drawn to it? Korean entertainment is truly fascinating! I mean, honestly, I despise romance. However, I’ve been glued to DramaFever, Viki, MyAsianTV and other sites.
The leading ladies are not the typical “damsel in distress” you find in most romance shows in the US. They are hard working, even though I don’t get the being 30 and the “first kiss” thing. My first kiss was at 16 and the guy was gay. I lost my virginity when I turned 20. I don’t know the target market for their shows, but most of the say 15. That’s probably why they swirl around the being virtuous stuff. Otherwise, these shows are enjoyable, even if the chicks are virginal.
The men in the shows, while being strong, prove no match for their mothers, and are not too manly as to not cry. I like it. Except there are times when they are crying so damn much, I want to reach through the screen and give them a bottle of water. I know they have to be dehydrated, crying like that. Then again, the fellas do know how to dress. Gong Yoo in Goblin … just Google it! His attire, even when resting at home is atrociously sleek! I don’t know whether to slobber over him or to cosplay him! LOL! Lee Dong Wook looks good in anything. On the other hand, please, by all means, Google “Kim Woo Bin” in the images section. He started out as a model and Sweet Toasted Cinnamon with Drippy Butter Bread! clothes without him in it, look like scrap fabric from cosplay. Yet, in Uncontrollably Fond, his crying got on my nerves. I’ll admit though, the scene where he recognized his mother finally … yeah, it was raining Kleenex at my computer desk. That’s been my worse fear, not recognizing my family members and memory loss.
Some of the main leading females that are my favorites are:
The guys are all across the board:
- Lee Dong-Wook
- Gong Yoo
- Jung Kyung Ho
- Kim Woo Bin
- Lee Min Ho
- Park Hyung Sik
- Choi Jin Hyuk
- Kim Hyun Joong
Not only am I noticing the actors, but also the storylines. They can be very intricate and brought all together at the end. they are some who leaves stuff on the cutting floor [Looking at you BLADE MAN]. But the techniques in which they film, make we want to get back behind a camera, learn new technology and utilize some of this when filming at my studio. I need a green screen studio. LOL!
Alright, that’s it. I’ve got to hit the elliptical machine.